The premier rehab tool
for your post operative activities, and exercises
The premier rehab equipment
for your post operative activities, and exercises.
Optimal safety and security
Builds confident independence
Superior stability and support indoors and outdoors
Strong support tool for physical therapy exercises
The multi-use device avoids extra costs for other equipment purchases.
Ease of handling (foldable and portable)
Optimal safety and security
Builds confident independence
Superior stability and support indoors and outdoors
Strong support tool for physical therapy exercises
The multi-use device avoids extra costs for other equipment purchases.
Ease of handling (foldable and portable)
The Stabilizer As a Rehab Tool
One Tool, Many Solutions!
“Immediately post operatively, I could use the Stabilizer to act as grab bars as | stood to pivot to the commode. I was amazed at its light-weight stability without anyone else there to hold the walker to keep it from rolling or sliding away when I leaned on it. Later, as I started my exercises, I could use the Stabilizer as parallel bars to support me as I did the range of motion leg lifts, shallow squats and stretches. That proved very valuable as I complied with the physical therapy plan after I went home. At home, I did not have a raised toilet seat, but using the toilet while having the Stabilized Steps in front as grab bars really satisfied that need. I was able to rise easily with solid support. Bending down to pick up the inevitable dropped item was a challenge easily met with the Stabilizer. The cross bars provided a ladder for my hands to grab to support me as I leaned over, carefully extending the surgical leg to comply with the surgical precautions.The device stayed stable under me.”
BethAnne A. RN
“I had my surgery for my leg lengthening procedure. I wanted to let you know that I am non-weight bearing for 2 months and I would be lost without the stabilizer. Thank you again, it he been a life saver!”
Howard B.
The Stabilizer
Easy “Pull up” trigger release
for opening and closing